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1 Mose 8 8 He sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were ABATED from the surface of the ground,
1 Mose 8 11 The dove came back to him at evening, and, behold, in her mouth was an olive leaf plucked off. So Noah knew that the waters were ABATED from the earth.
4 Mose 11 2 The people cried to Moses; and Moses prayed to Yahweh, and the fire ABATED.
5 Mose 34 7 Moses was one hundred twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force ABATED.
Richter 8 3 God has delivered into your hand the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb! What was I able to do in comparison with you?" Then their anger was ABATED toward him, when he had said that.

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